Where Does Your Innovation Live?

Oct 18, 2018 at 07:42 pm by Staff


By JOHN NOSTA, NostaLabs

What is the zip code of your innovation lab?

Or, should I ask for the genetic sequencing of your innovation connective tissue?

My concern is that too many innovation labs, accelerators and incubators are being built without real and tangible connections to those people they intend to serve. Yes, they are all branded around the same thing: Customers first! But in this case, the customers (who should be served first) must be the rank-and-file employees who actually bring the magic to market. The real innovation lab doesn't live down the road or in some dramatic urban setting with a powerful industrial design. It lives as a neural network that connects and inspires all. Innovation must connect with the heart and soul of a company--the employees.

It's really a "culture lab" that connects innovation to individuals and helps transform from within. And conversely, it's culture that squashes innovation at its earliest stages. Yet, many companies still build their funky silos in an attempt to attract innovators and innovations only to find that "the big idea stops here."

It's time to add a few ideas into those wordy mission statements:

Of course, much of innovation comes from outside corporate's brick walls. But the friction and resistance to change from within can be insurmountable. And the heat of this resistance can be felt outside those walls. Obstructionism, ignorance, apathy and a host of other issues are seen and sensed by those external innovators who bring the lightning to the lightning rod.

The dirty little word in innovation that many often miss is receptivity. We live in a world where ideas flourish. Innovators abound and eclectic ideas traverse the globe, looking for a place to land. Today's corporations must embrace this dynamic and understand that they are the runways upon which many ideas come to ground. However, it's sad to see how many brilliant ideas have crashed and been lost because of those rigid bumps and treacherous cross winds of opinion that make landing the big idea almost impossible.

You can find more articles from John Nosta on PsychologyToday.com

(reprinted with author's permission)

Florida's Innovation Headlines

(Plantation, FL) MagicLeap, has raised $2.3B (yes, billion) to create a head-mounted virtual retinal display. The company has a dedicated mixed reality team specifically developing digital health programs and in the process is creating Florida jobs: https://www.magicleap.com/careers

(Orlando, FL) Speaking of mixed reality technology in healthcare, according to Dr. David Metcalf, Director, METIL at University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation & Training, "VR has gotten traction in healthcare mainly as a training and education device, but industry-wide it's a green field for innovation." David Metcalf, based here in Orlando, presented for HIMSS on the topic. You can find his talk here: https://www.himsslearn.org/virtual-reality-gets-real-healthcare

(Orlando, FL) This startup is using tech funded by NASA to diagnose diseases. The company has raised $4M with an additional $4M in process. The company, Aviana Molecular Technologies, is developing a smartphone device to detect infectious diseases with a single drop of blood. https://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2018/06/27/how-this-ucf-incubator-startup-is-using-tech.html

(FL) A possible replacement for the Epi-pen? Nova Southeastern University scientists have created a tablet that dissolves under the tongue to potentially replace expensive auto-injectors: https://www.popsci.com/forget-epipen-its-time-for-an-epi-pill

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Sections: Business/Technology