Publisher's note: Science & the Practice of Medicine…Politics should NEVER Impact

Aug 27, 2020 at 04:54 pm by pj


COVID-19 continues to challenge this Great Nation but there is significant hope, thanks to the extraordinary COURAGE of Physicians, PA’s, APRN’s, RN’s, LPN’s, MA’s, basically every healthcare professional…You are HEROS!


A very dark side exists in this nation’s battle vs. COVID-19…Politics! In March 2020 President Trump lauded hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a possible cure or treatment for the virus. This was almost immediately followed by a fake study co-authored by Sapan Desai, a Chicago-based surgeon and businessman, whose analytics company Surgisphere claimed to have stored clinical data from thousands of patients at hundreds of hospitals all over the world, which was apparently untrue.

 Unfortunately, what are considered the top two international medical journals, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and The Lancet, published the story and later retracted it. Three plus months later, the retraction of this story does NOT appear to have been prudently recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), FDA, Dr. Fauci, healthcare leaders and main-stream media. More concerning is the fact, that some “blue state” governors mobilized the DEA and threatened pharmacists’ licenses if they filled lawfully written prescriptions.


This in spite of anecdotal or “off script” success by front line and community physicians across the nation.


Treatment with hydroxychloroquine cut the death rate significantly in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19, without heart-related side effects, according to a new study published by Henry Ford Health System.


There is a vast disconnect between the FDA and physicians. During a high-profile press conference in Washington, DC, a physician organization known as America’s Frontline Doctors insisted the drug could treat COVID-19. Why was this presentation blocked from media platforms as misinformation?


"Let doctors be doctors," said Dr. Alieta Eck, a primary care physician in New Jersey. “We treat people off-label all the time.”

"I've read many papers on hydroxychloroquine and zinc," said Dr. Scott Barbour. "And in my judgment, it was a potentially effective means of treatment, and it was very safe.


Historically, physicians have practiced anecdotally, or “off script,” which is why it is referred to as “the practice of medicine.” There is also a new Federal “Right-to Try” law in effect. Citizens of this great nation need to ask hard questions.


Why is the FDA opposed to hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a possible cure or treatment for COVID-19? Why are social media giants blocking and removing positive physician opinions and reports of hydroxychloroquine and zinc? Why does main-stream media not report hydroxychloroquine and zinc as a possible cure for COVID-19 in spite of significant frontline or community physician feedback?


Being direct — it is due to political and financial motivation!


John Kelly, Publisher

Orlando, North Central Florida and Volusia/Brevard Medical News


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