Adult-use Legalization Laws not Associated with Adverse Impacts on Public Health

Apr 15, 2021 at 02:40 pm by pj




When it comes to cannabis legalization, a common strategy by prohibitionists is to use “doom and gloom” or “fear of the unknown” to convince constituents or voters that legal cannabis will make our society much worse, and the “sky will fall” and “the world will end” if cannabis is made legal (for adult use).  However, a recent comprehensive analysis report by the CATO Institute studied the effect of state marijuana adult use legalization across the United States.  The report concluded that the enactment of statewide laws regulating the adult use, production, and retail sale of cannabis is not associated with significant adverse impacts on public health.  A link to the report is below:

The Effect of State Marijuana Legalizations: 2021 Update | Cato Institute

The report went through data prior to adult use cannabis legalization in states, and after legalization to assess claims that public health would decrease and society would be worse off than keeping cannabis illegal. The data has created the following objective facts:


Cannabis legalization has not led to society’s downfall, as many prohibitionists have predicted.  Also, we now see with this report we that legal cannabis is very good for generating tax revenue.  As more data becomes available, you will start to see other areas of society and the economy that will be positively affected from the legalization of cannabis for adult use. 

The biggest area globally that will be impacted with cannabis being made legal for adult use in America and other countries is health care costs.  As cannabis becomes more mainstream, more people will start using cannabis as a “wellness” product, and not so much to get “high” or stoned. You will begin to see nutritional supplement products with cannabinoids in them (low dose THC, CBD, CBG, CBN, etc.) being used by millions of people for some medical reason – sleep, anxiety, depression, pain, etc. 

This increase in use of legal cannabis products for adults and medical cannabis (by prescription), will make our population more healthy and less susceptible to chronic health problems of tobacco smoking, alcohol, and diabetes.  We are already starting to see a decrease in number of monthly prescriptions for patients who start using cannabis by 2-3 prescriptions per month.  Imagine a country like Germany that has socialized medicine paid for by the government.  If the German population can decrease their prescriptions per month by 2-3 prescription drugs by starting to use cannabis, the entire German population will be healthier and save the Government billions in prescription drug costs. 

Cannabis will continue to be legalized across the USA and the world.  If you are trying to help your state or country legalize, use this report and data to assist in your efforts. 


Michael C. Patterson, founder and CEO of U.S. Cannabis Pharmaceutical Research & Development of Melbourne, is a consultant for the development of the medical marijuana industry nationwide and in Florida. He serves as a consultant to Gerson Lehrman Group, New York and helps educate GLG partners on specific investment strategies and public policy regarding Medical Marijuana in the U.S. and Internationally. He can be reached at

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