Ins & Outs of Downsizing

Aug 17, 2022 at 04:19 pm by pj



The previous article in this series, When is it Time to Downsize? outlines the reasons to consider downsizing, and provides tips for making informed relocation decisions. This article covers what to consider once you've made the decision to downsize.

STEP 1: Create your Downsizing Dream Team

Having a knowledgeable team will help you relocate with the minimum amount of stress. Consider including the following on your team:

Family Member(s)

Senior Real Estate Specialist

     Hire a SRES (Senior Real Estate Specialist) to help you list your home. An SRES is important because the can share their network of qualified resources such as elder law attorneys, financial advisors, move managers and other professionals who can be extremely helpful during your transition.

 Senior Move Manager

     Hire a Senior Move Manager who specializes in facilitating every aspect of the downsizing process. Visit the National Association of Move Senior Managers for a list of move managers near you:

Estate Sale Planner

     Ask your realtor or move manager for recommendations, or check out the National Estate Sales Association for a list of members:

Trusted Advisors (Legal & Financial)

     Be sure to include your attorney and financial planner in the decision-making process. If you don't have a family lawyer, you may want to consider working with an elder law attorney.

STEP 2: Decide Where to Move:

  1. Locally
  2. To a different city
  3. To a different state

STEP 3:  Decide what size and type of new home would best suit your needs:

Smaller house



Retirement community

Assisted living facility

RV & travel the world

STEP 4:  Decide what to take to your new home.

It's helpful to divide your possessions into four groups:


Decide what possessions mean the most to you (“Bring you joy” in Marie Kondo language!); these are the treasured keepsakes you want to take with you to your new home. It's important to consider the layout of your new home. Don't over pack!


After you've decided what you are taking to your new home, invite your children and grandchildren to come and pick out things that they find meaningful and would like to have. You may also want to invite close friends to choose mementos.


Pick an organization that you like to support and could use your extra furniture, clothes, housewares and other items. If none of the organizations you currently support could benefit from what you want to donate, consider a reputable national charity such as Good Will, Habitat for Humanity, or the Salvation Army. You can check out charities on  or


Once you've determined what you are keeping, gifting and donating, it's time to figure out how to sell the rest. If you want to sell things yourself, options to consider include:

Garage Sale (Individual or Community)

Consignment Shops

Church Bazaars


Craig's List, E-bay, Let it Go, etc.

If you'd prefer to hire someone to help you, options to consider include:

Estate Sale Planner

Furniture Liquidator

Arts & Antique Dealer


            Stay tuned for the next article in this series: Making the Move!


Terri Shayne Misek is a Senior Real Estate Specialist who specializes in helping seniors transition from their current home to a future home they'll love. She's active in her local community and co-leads a widows group in Longwood. For more information about Terri and her services, visit her website:


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