Now is the Time for Input on Health Care Reform

Nov 30, 2016 at 09:31 am by Staff

Fraser Cobbe

Orange County Medical Society

Seminole County Medical Society

One of the greatest frustrations for the physician community is how often they perceive their input is marginalized when it comes to discussions on reforming our health care delivery system. Given health care spending represents a 17.5% share of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, it is obvious there are a lot of experts and stake holders that have interests and opinions on what reforms we can pursue that will improve quality and affordability. Admitting our bias however, we feel the voice of physicians is critically important given their unique role on the front lines of delivering medicine every day.

As we approach the next historic opportunity to debate health care in the US, our organizations are calling upon our members to engage in the process. 

With the election of President-Elect Donald Trump and his appointment of Congressman Tom Price, M.D. as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, discussions over repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act are likely to accelerate. Speaker Paul Ryan has published the House Republican Party plan, A Better Way, for repeal and replace. Thankfully it is in a format that is relatively quick and easy to read (37 pages).  

At first blush there are many items included that should be welcomed by the physician community including: expanded utilization of health savings accounts and Association Plans; meaningful tort reform; repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board; Meaningful Use reform; and ending the ban on physician-owned hospitals.  

Recognizing we have many diverse opinions within the physician community, we want to hear from you. We encourage all of our members to review the Ryan plan and then sound off with your opinions. What do you like or dislike about the plan? What is missing? Will this usher in a brighter future for the profession and the patients you care for?

Your voice is more important than ever and will shape our advocacy agenda for the debate ahead.

Review the plan here:

Sound off here:

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