FSU College Of Medicine Graduates 20th Class

May 24, 2024 at 01:00 pm by Matt

The FSU College of Medicine celebrated the graduation of its 20th class of physicians during its commencement ceremony for the M.D. Class of 2024. This significant occasion added 110 new medical doctors to the college's alumni, bringing the total to an impressive 1,956 physician alumni.

Overcoming Challenges With Resilience

The journey of this year's graduates was not without its challenges. As Interim Dean Dr. Alma Littles acknowledged, they started their medical degrees during a global pandemic, navigated changes in the medical licensing exam, and faced numerous obstacles. However, their unwavering determination and resilience prevailed, as she commended them, "You persevered and with true grit and resilience. You made it!"

Embracing The Unknown: A Canvas For Life's Journey

Class President Nick Thomas reflected on the unique circumstances they faced, starting their medical school careers virtually due to the pandemic. He encouraged his classmates to embrace the unknown, "not as a source of fear, but as a canvas upon which we can paint the story of our lives — a story filled with triumphs, setbacks and everything in between." Thomas highlighted that the true beauty of their dreams lies in the journey itself, "in the lives we will touch, the hearts we will heal, and the difference we will make in the world."

A Celebration Of Bonds And Partnerships

The FSU College of Medicine graduation ceremonies are often similar to family reunions, with the strong bonds between classmates and faculty obvious. This year's event was particularly special, with the attendance of FSU President Emeritus John Thrasher, who played a pivotal role in the college's establishment as the first new medical school in the U.S. in over 25 years.

Advice For The Future Physicians

Thrasher, a friend of the university and the College of Medicine, shared valuable lessons from his law and legislative careers that are applicable to the medical profession. He emphasized the importance of effective communication, community involvement, lifelong learning, and maintaining a work-life balance. Thrasher's closing remarks resonated with the graduates, "Congratulations, Class of 2024, and may you find fulfillment, purpose, and joy in the noble calling of medicine. May God continue to bless you, and I couldn't walk away from here without saying, 'Go Noles!'"

As the FSU College of Medicine celebrates this significant milestone, the graduates of the Class of 2024 embark on a new journey, armed with the resilience, knowledge, and compassion to make a lasting impact in the lives of countless individuals and communities.

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